Introduction to Composites

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NPTEL Online
12 Weeks
28 Jan 2019 – 19 April 2019
IIT Kanpur
Mechanical Engineering
Prof. Nachiketa Tiwari
27 April 2019  [9 am – 12 noon]

Course Introduction

What I have learned

Week 1  :  Intro and terminology
Week 2  :  Concept Review
Week 3  :  Fibers
Week 4  :  Matrix materials
Week 5  :  Short fiber composites
Week 6  :  Short fiber composites
Week 7  :  Orthotropic lamina
Week 8  :  Orthotropic lamina
Week 9  :  Orthotropic lamina
Week 10 : Composite laminates
Week 11 : Composite laminates
Week 12 : Composite laminates